Услуги специалистов по поддержке

Клиентам агентства «КИТ» доступны профессиональные услуги по поддержке сайтов. В этой области наши специалисты наработали весомый опыт и имеют солидную квалификацию. Мы готовы начать работу с ресурсом в любое время и обеспечить успешное развитие.

What does website support include?

  • What you will get?

    Technical support. Our specialists ensure that your website works properly 24/7.

  • What you will get?

    Content support. Your website is updated regularly.

  • What you will get?

    Recommendations. You can ask us any question concerning your site performance 24/7.

  • What you will get?

    Time saving. You can devote all your time to your business without worrying about your web resource.

Website support includes

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Our clients' reviews

  • We wish to thank Internet Clients for their great work. They have become our reliable partner whom we can without any doubts trust development and promotion of our website. Despite the fact that real estate is a rather competitive topic on the internet, you started to optimize and promote our site without hesitation. And thanks to your excellent teamwork we could see the results after just 4 months. The website traffic increased greatly and what is more important the number of online sales with visitors coming from Google and Yandex increased as well. And these numbers still continue to grow steadily.
    We would also like to mention that the upgrade of the website structure and addition of new high-quality content had positive impact on its usability and conversion rate as well. Besides, we always know what is happening with our website. All changes made on the website helped to achieve impressive results! Our company expresses deep appreciation for three years of successful cooperation and high quality of services!

    Evgeniya Günkaya Multivilla CEO

  • As our business depends on the traffic, it was very important for us to find real SEO professionals. When we first contacted Internet Clients, our website was optimized by another company but we couldn’t see any results of their work. So we didn't want to risk and waste a lot of money and we chose only social marketing for a start. But after some time we realized that this company is a team of real professionals who could definitely help us.
    Eventually we decided to redesign our website and trust this business to you. And we should say that this redesign almost immediately increased our traffic. After that, they developed a set of other language versions. So we have never regretted our choice but appreciated working with you!

    Alla Shinkevich Nevsky Prostor Deputy CEO

  • We have been working with Internet Clients for over 5 years and we do really appreciate the work your team does for us. They have never failed any task we gave them, but gave us only great results. Thanks to you, our advertising agency gained customers over the country which allowed us to reach new levels especially in terms of number of orders.
    After ad campaigns, people from almost all cities of Russia know about our company and our services. Those changes that have been made on the website only improved its usability, it became much more convenient and even our customers tell us about it.

    Natalya Baranova Head of sales, Advertrans (advertising agency)

  • Our company would like to say that Internet Clients have become our absolutely reliable and responsible partner who helps us develop our business and make it more visible on the internet. We dedicated considerable time and efforts to develop our website – elite-voyage.com.ru. And we can say that it was performing quite well in terms of conversion. But then we met Internet Clients and we realized that it was only the beginning of our website development.

    Firstly, they analysed our website and offered to launch an English version of the site and it turned out to be a really wise decision. Secondly, they improved the usability and added feedback forms.

    Your competence and initiative allowed us to achieve following results: 23% increase in search engine traffic, 58% decline in the cost of attraction of visitors from search engines and 60% decrease in expenses.

    We are really pleased to say that Internet Clients staff is one of the best business teams. It is a real pleasure to work with you. Thank you for your work and we are glad to extend our contract with you!

    Valentina Nehaldas Managing Director of «Elite Voyage»

  • We have been working with Internet Clients for 6 years and we can be only grateful for this experience. We have never had any reasons to regret or be unsatisfied. And we would like to express our gratitude for optimization of our website and flexibility in dealing with our issues.

    From Pravo i Financy Information System

  • The Ledder Team would like to thank your company for productive and successful cooperation over three years. Since the moment we contacted you we had only positive experience of working with you. We especially appreciate the fact that before promoting our website, your team carried out a detailed analysis of competitors and selected a list of keywords and only after that you made us an offer.

    I can surely say that we are absolutely satisfied with your work. You did all that we wanted on time and without any problems. As the result we got new leads, a lot of phone calls and our turnovers keep growing so that we had to expand our staff. And we deeply appreciate what you've done for us. We are pleased to continue working with you and we believe that we'll be able to achieve new goals together! 

    Stanislav Perminov CEO of Ledder Company

  • We appreciate affordable prices and that all our requests and orders were considered almost immediately. We would also like to note that their working process was absolutely transparent. They always kept us informed of what they were doing which was rather convenient. When our website was ready and they started to optimize it, we noticed the increase in number of phone calls and customers just within three months.
    After that Internet Clients offered us to extend our business and develop it in Moscow and we agreed without any doubts. Today we are a quite well-known company in Moscow and its region. Surely it is a great success and we are glad to help so many people.

    Pavel Madyakin an osteopath at Osteopat Medical Center

  • We would like to express our deep appreciation for the effective promotion of our website. Thanks to your well developed optimization strategy, the number of customers and calls increased significantly. Such results allow us to speak about this company as a reliable partner who fulfils their responsibilities and obligations and focuses on only positive results.

    Just within a couple of months the team redesigned our website, optimized it and improved its usability. The result was the increase in traffic and behavioural indicators of website visitors. We would like also to note that despite our unawareness of website optimization and promotion, we have never felt any disregard – Internet Clients team provided us with detailed information on everything they were doing, answered all our numerous questions and explained us what results we could achieve.

    That is why we have never regretted our decision. And we have big plans for you. We hope that next year we will continue working together and develop our project.

    Alessandro Adorno Babilonia founder and director

  • When somebody asks us who promotes our website, we are always proud to name your company and pleased to recommend you as a real seo professional. We express our deep gratitude and appreciation for all the work your carried out to promote our website which now has increased conversion rates. Tenacious, comprehensive website optimization allowed us to attract new visitors and double their stay time on the site. And now a lot of users come from Yandex.

    Such results exceeded all our expectations that we had when we were signing the contract. We would especially like to thank you for your responsiveness, responsibility, creativity. Not every company will give so much attention to their customers. And it is already 8 years during which we are working together and feel your desire to achieve new goals!  

    Architect and designer Elio Fiorini

  • Our company have been providing legal assistance in commercial court where we achieved rather good results for many years. But we didn't promote our website.

    And our colleagues from Kirov recommended us to contact Internet Clients and we should say that we have never regretted this choice. After they improved our website, optimized it for search engines and launched ad campaigns in Yandex.Direct, we received really great results. The number of calls and visitors increased significantly and so did our income.

    We would also like to add that we didn't have any problems with the manager who worked with us. Since the very beginning we could see that the company did their best to promote our website. Everything was open and absolutely transparent. All work was strictly regulated and they provided us a monthly report on the works they did. Our company appreciates all you did for us and wishes you good luck and a lot of great customers! 

    From Arteks team

  • Working with Internet Clients for over 5 years, we have always discussed new options and made decisions together. They offer us various ad campaigns designed specially for us so that we are absolutely sure that we have made the right choice. And we would like to thank you for your professionalism and great competencies.

    The team of Vse SRO Rossii (All Self-Regulated Organizations of Russia)

  • For over ten years, our company has been designing and constructing engineering networks, shopping and administrative complexes, different industrial facilities and residential buildings. Being aware of a great responsibility we take, our company always tries to choose partners reliable as we are and who perform their work with great diligence. We looked through plenty of companies and after a tender we finally chose Internet Clients and for already three years of working together we have never regretted about this decision.

    We deeply appreciate the work you do and we are happy that it is you who promotes our website. After your optimization and competent promotion the number of users coming from Google and Yandex increased and this is actually what we wanted. I would also like to note that the cost of work is really affordable for such encouraging results. We wish your company continued success and prosperity! 

    Radiant Team

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